About Us

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About CoHSAT

CoHSAT is a group of voluntary and campaigning organisations working across Oxfordshire to create attractive, accessible and people-friendly streets.

We do this by encouraging efficient, active, low carbon and sustainable travel, which will reduce traffic, air pollution and noise, and enable healthy and thriving communities.

CoHSAT’s role is to amplify member and partner voices, facilitate discussion, and increase engagement on healthy streets and active travel across Oxfordshire. Read more about CoHSAT’s strategy and approach here and more about CoHSAT membership here.

Scroll down to find out more about each of our member organisations.

CoHSAT's History

CoHSAT was formed in 2018, when several founding members recognised the need to work more collaboratively on healthy streets and active travel campaigning in Oxford.

In 2020, CoHSAT built relationships with active travel groups across the county, and supported the development of new groups in market towns.

In 2021, CoHSAT welcomed several new members representing active travel issues outside of Oxford City. CoHSAT also outlined its views on various issues in a 2021 election manifesto. Since then CoHSAT has continued to welcome new coalition members that share our values for sustainable travel and streets that are better for people.

Older Cyclist And Pedestrians Credit Flickr Tejvan

CoHSAT Members

Find out more about our current members below. If you are an active travel group, and/or engaged in supporting healthy/liveable streets in Oxfordshire and you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us at info@cohsat.org.uk.

Abingdon Liveable Streets Logo SquareAbingdon Liveable Streets aims to improve our walking and cycling routes so that people can travel to school or work safely without needing to use their cars. The group is a collaboration of Abingdon Carbon Cutters, AbiBike, Abingdon Freewheeling, Abingdon Health Walks and the Town Council. 


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At Active Oxfordshire, we are passionate about finding sustainable approaches to fighting inactivity and challenging health inequalities.

We focus our key interventions on increasing physical activity opportunities for children and young people, older people, people living with health conditions or disabilities and people affected by mental health difficulties. We also adopt a place based approach to these interventions and, through partners, focus on the ten wards experiencing the highest levels of deprivation across Oxfordshire.


Bats Logo Banbury Active Travel SupportersBanbury Active Travel Supporters (BATS) is a project set up by Banbury Community Action Group (BCAG), keen to promote cycling, walking, and clean air in Banbury. We are looking for others who share our aims, to join us.

BATS wants to see safe pavements and cycle lanes provided as through routes in Banbury, so that more people can choose to leave the car at home. Fewer cars on Banbury roads will also mean cleaner air: at present, in places Banbury has some of the most polluted roads in Oxfordshire.


Bicester Bug LogoBicesterBUG aims to represent and campaign for bike use in Bicester and it’s surroundings. We see cycling as a key part of the Bicester life. Local travel to work, shops, school and for fun all has the potential to be done safely and easily by bike in our town. We work to improve the profile of cycling as a mode of transport and work with local government to improve the infrastructure provision to enable safe cycling for all no matter age or background.
Bike Safe Logo Square

Bike Safe is a charity, established by people who live in or between Oxford and Eynsham. Bike Safe is campaigning for a community path alongside the busy and dangerous B4044 (Eynsham to Botley). The B4044 is a busy commuter route for cars, buses, lorries and cyclists alike. We have been campaigning for a safe cycle route into Oxford since 2011. We have a supporter base of nearly 2000 people. OCC are now highly supportive and collaborating with the final planning process.

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CulBUG is an information forum for people who commute by cycle to the UK Atomic Energy Authority’s Culham Science Centre in Oxfordshire.It aims to become the cyclists’ point of contact for the Authority’s property management team and the local transport and planning authorities, so that consideration of the issues facing cyclists on site and in the locality is taken into account early in relevant planning processes.



Cyclox is the voice of cycling in Oxford. We campaign to put cycling at the heart of Oxford’s future. Our mission is to get more people cycling, more often, and more safely. We collaborate with key decision makers to put cycling on the public agenda; partner with active travel and low-carbon groups; and engage with the local community to inform, encourage, and support change.

Harbug Logo Harwell Campus Bicycle Users Group (HarBUG) are a group of cyclists campaigning to make it easier to cycle to the Harwell Campus and to improve facilities for cyclists and cycling on site.


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We’re residents from across Headington who have come together to make better, safer and healthy neighbourhoods for everyone. We share an interest in reducing traffic in the area and are inspired by the model of low-traffic neighbourhoods.

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Low Carbon Oxford North (LCON) is a charity set up by local residents to support ambitious CO2 cuts through local action. We work with our community, offering practical ideas, information and activities, to help combat the climate crisis. There are many ways you can take action including home energytransporttree plantingconsumption and waste and food.
We also collaborate with other groups and engage with our city and county councils, to influence climate action across Oxford.
And we provide monthly Climate Cafes as a forum for people to share their responses to climate change in a friendly, low-key setting.
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Low Carbon West Oxford (LCWO) was set up after the summer floods of 2007 by residents concerned about climate change and local flooding. It is a community-led initiative which aims
to combat climate change by cutting our community carbon dioxide emissions by 80% by 2050, encouraging residents to live more sustainably, and contributing to a more cohesive and resilient community.

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Oxfordshire Cycling Network (OCN) proposes a county-wide ‘all ages, all abilities’ cycle network linking major towns, workplaces and transport hubs safe, direct and attractive routes.  It is a starting point for discussions with the County Council and the public about its shape, its benefits and its costs.

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Oxford Civic Society work towards achieving a sustainable travel infrastructure that works well for everyone – people on foot, on cycles, in motorised vehicles and on public transport. We believe transport issues are inextricably linked to development proposals.

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Oxford Friends of the Earth is a voluntary group of people working together to promote a healthy and sustainable environment. We encourage people across Oxfordshire to be active in driving meaningful, positive change that makes a lasting difference to our environment. We have been active for over 40 years, we have various working groups, and we welcome new members.

Our work focuses on climate change, air pollution, transport, and biodiversity. We have set up the Oxfordshire Clean Air Charter, the countywide Zero Carbon Homes Initiative and Oxfordshire Trees for the Future.


Oxfordshire Liveable Streets is an organisation working to promote a safe and liveable streetscape and travel environment in Oxfordshire and to develop and see the realisation of a blueprint for a better transport environment in Oxfordshire.

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Oxford Pedestrians Association represents walking, including supported mobility, as urban transport, and campaigns for wide, level direct pavements and footpaths, direct raised crossings and pavement extensions, and a reduction in motorised traffic to free up public space for other transport modes.

Oxon4buses Temp Logo

Oxon4Buses (O4B) is an informal association of users of bus services in Oxfordshire. Our members are representatives of a wide variety of groups in the County and City, including parish representatives, who all have an interest in improving and promoting bus services.

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Rose Hill and Iffley Low Carbon are a Community Action Group in south-east Oxford. We aim to involve our local community in renewable energy projects, energy conservation, waste reduction, active travel, food growing and tree planting. Our aim is to make Rose Hill the first zero carbon estate in the country.

Thame Green living logo

Thame Green Living are the originators of the Green Living Plan, adopted by Thame Town Council in July 2020. This is a 10-year plan for a more sustainable Thame in the things that really matter – from essentials such as clean air, water, energy and overall well-being but also a vibrant natural world around us, recognising the vital nature of the town’s links with its surrounding communities and countryside.

Transition Chipping Norton Logo

a community group for the Chipping Norton area, promoting and developing local solutions for sustainable communities and part of the worldwide Transition Network. One of those solutions is to enable active travel in and around Chipping Norton.

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Bringing villages together to enable sustainable travel, connectivity and networking that enhances community safety, wellbeing, social opportunities and longer term environmental and low carbon benefits.