To help inform voters across Oxfordshire ahead of the local elections on 6 May 2021, CoHSAT sent a questionnaire to all of the candidates running in the county asking about candidates’ commitments to active travel.
The results below relate to the following Council elections: Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council, Cherwell District Council and West Oxfordshire District Council.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page to search for a particular candidate or ward‘s results, or use the graphics below to interact with the responses from each Council.
Overall results: Use the arrows to see who has responded so far, and how candidates are responding to the questions overall
Results for each Council: Use the arrows to see how candidates running in this election have responded to each question. Scroll down for results from each Council. At the bottom of the page you can use the table to search for results from a particular candidate or ward, across all 4 Councils.
CoHSAT would like to thank Tim Harcourt-Powell for helping us set up this visualisation.