Ask Your Councillors to Get Oxford Moving

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Traffic2 Abingdon Road With Bus 20220630 164623 Rtucker

Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) Cabinet will decide on the transport strategy for Oxford and six traffic filters on 29th November. Decision-makers will be forming their views before that – this very week! These plans are the last, best hope to end a decade of gridlock, add new bus routes and that 159 new electric buses and improve walking and cycling routes.

No surprise then that a YouGov poll shows residents back them by 2 to 1, and the county’s largest employer, Oxford University backs them too. If we don’t back these measures, growth in traffic, with 42,000 new cars on road by 2031 because of new homes will increase traffic and pollution misery and health problems for drivers, cyclists and residents alike.

Email your County Councillor and the Cabinet to let them know that you support these measures that they propose.

Look up your own Councillor’s email address(es), copy it/them, then paste it/them into the email you’ll get when you CLICK THIS LINK. Then just add your name & address at the bottom. Please customise the email with details about your own location, issues and views if you wish.