Abena Poku-Awuah
CoHSAT Co-Chair, Brenda Boardman, participated in the Net Zero, All Party-Parliamentary Group online meeting on decarbonising transport that took place on 2 June. The Net Zero APPG works to accelerate policy change, promote zero carbon solutions, support clean growth technology and ultimately embed the UK’s commitment to deliver a net zero carbon economy. The meeting sought to discuss accelerating net zero transition, innovation and infrastructure.
We need to lock-in and enhance present levels of cycling and walking. This will include transferring road space over to pedestrians and cycle routes.
22% of households in the UK did not own a car in 2018. This rises to 65% for the lowest income groups.
This is a major proportion of households in this country that we must not leave behind.
Watch the event recording including Brenda’s presentation below.