Road casualties halved in Cowley LTN

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A study of Police data released in September 2023 shows that road casualties in the Cowley Low Traffic Neighbourhood Areas (LTNs) have reduced by about half from their pre-LTN levels.

CoHSAT analysed the data in the 3 Cowley LTNs and their boundary roads for 2022 compared to the pre-LTN and pre-Covid period of 2015-2019. They found:

  • Collisions causing casualties inside the LTNs fell from 7.4 a year to 4 – a reduction of 46%
  • Collisions on boundary roads fell from 25 to 24 – a reduction of 4%

While only from a single year, these results are highly consistent with a study of 72 Low Traffic Neghbourhoods in London, which found casualties reduced by 49% and no significant change on boundary roads.

“The halving of road crash casualties in low traffic neighbourhoods mirrors almost exactly studies across 72 LTNs in London. It comes from the removal of cut-through, sometimes called ‘rat-run’ traffic, leaving only drivers who are living or have business in the area.”

“When I cycle, I feel much safer inside the LTN”, said Clare, a local resident, “it’s such a pleasure after 30 years of enduring so much traffic on residential streets.”

Another local, Ines, noted “The LTNs have really transformed each and every single journey. Many drivers used to rush through the neighbourhood, pushing past and going quickly. Now it is quieter and it really is safe to cross the road or cycle.”

Laura, a local mother, added, “My family can now cycle safely through our neighbourhood. My five-year-old son has the freedom to cycle with us in the road through the LTNs which he could never do before they went in.”