CoHSAT / Abingdon Liveable Streets guide to shared cars and Co-Wheels

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Picture of Co-Wheels car plugged into a charger

Abingdon, like most Oxfordshire towns, has a car sharing scheme. For the individual, car sharing allows you to use a car when you need it, without the hassle and cost of owning one. For the wider community, car sharing with electric cars reduces the number of parked cars and reduces pollution and noise on the streets. It also encourages people to make conscious decisions about how they travel, which means they are more likely to travel by healthy and sustainable modes such as walking, cycling, or bus – but still have access to a car when they need it.

Abingdon’s car sharing scheme is run by Co-wheels. There are two cars available to members, one in the Cattle Market car park and one in West St Helens Street car park. They are electric MG4s with their own designated parking bays. To find out more about how to become a member and how to use the cars please see the Co-wheels website or watch the Abingdon Liveable Streets video guide. You must be over 21 and have held a driving licence for a minimum of one year, other conditions apply. It takes about a week from applying to receive your smart card. For a limited time, there is a promotional code (Abingdon10) offering free membership, saving £5 a month.

Cowheels Mg5 Estate Car in Wytham Road
You can also rent an MG5 Estate Car like this one at Wytham Road, Oxford and some vans are available.

Co-wheels is currently the only car sharing group in Abingdon but there are other options if you’d like to explore how to reduce your car use or how to share car ownership. Anyone can set up their own arrangements with family, friends or neighbours for sharing cars. The Share our Cars website gives more information about why and how to do this. There are also national companies that provide a platform and insurance for people to either borrow or loan out cars locally e.g. Hiyacar.

You could try the 30 day car free challenge at Possible!