The Coalition for Healthy Streets and Active Travel is asking for the community’s help with a parking and traffic survey. Volunteers will be out on the streets on Broad Street on 16 October and 19 October, asking people to take a quick survey and counting the different types of road users.
Back in 2002, the Council allowed 24 cars to park free of charge in the middle of the central open space for 30 minutes. Parking bays now dominate the middle of the road and it is also used for loading and by tourist buses.
Even when the scheme was introduced, some drivers felt there should be no central parking. Most of the people surveyed wanted Broad Street parking to be reduced or eliminated completely.
Fast forward 17 years and air quality and traffic congestion has become a major problem in the city centre. CoHSAT thinks that Broad Street should be a car free zone, bringing a healthier, more pleasant street environment and drawing shoppers back.
CoHSAT Co-Chair, Alison Hill, said:
“The way to tackle the blight of congestion, air pollution and the climate crisis is by reducing the numbers of cars on Oxford’s over busy roads. Car parking on Broad Street is unnecessary and we want it removed from the whole street, extending from Magdalen Street to Holywell Street. On Wednesday and Saturday, we will be surveying people to understand why they are parking here. The results will be presented to the County Council to help encourage policies for healthy and sustainable street design.”