Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: Campaigners Guide

4. Keep decision makers informed

Identifying supportive local Councillors is very helpful, but it is also important to keep the key decision makers informed throughout the process. They are ultimately responsible for any changes to the streets and regular briefings and invitations to events are very useful.

How we did it in Oxford

Speech by visiting Waltham Forest councillor
Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader of Waltham Forest Council, gave big event at Oxford Town Hall for Oxfordshire councillors & officers. Oct 2019.
Online talk hosted by local councillors
Oxfordshire councillors & officers held a discussion on LTNs and Covid-19. May 2020.
Regular local meetings
'Everyone invited' events, to brief residents & councillors and support those looking to establish LTNS in their area. May 2020 onwards.

For more inspiration, read about the “Implementing Liveability” event at Oxford Town Hall. This was a big public event, with invitations to Councillors and Council officers. It was introduced by then-Councillor John Sanders, and Clyde Loakes from Waltham Forest gave an inspiring speech for our local representatives.

On 12 May 2020 a Low Traffic Neighbourhoods and Covid-19 online discussion was hosted by local representatives Yvonne Constance (Cabinet Member for Environment including Transport), Cllr John Sanders and senior officer Sue Halliwell.

From May 2020 onwards OLS hosted regular online meetings for Oxford residents, Councillors and anyone interested, to support and advise people in other parts of Oxford looking to establish LTNs in their area.

Next: 5. Provide positive stories to local media 🡪