Low Traffic Neighbourhoods: Campaigners Guide

7. Be prepared to fundraise for design work

Drawing up a vision of how the streets could be transformed can have a powerful emotional appeal and will bring in more supporters. Crowdfunding is a great way to raise necessary funds and to gauge the level of support for making changes. We did this in Oxford because although many Councillors were supportive of LTNs, there was no money for design work to show what changes might look like.

How we did it in Oxford

Crowdfunder for local designs
Raised over £8,000. July-Aug 2019.
Designers commissioned
Designs commissioned from Waltham Forest designer & a local architect. Aug 2019.
Designs published
Shared widely online to inspire local residents & councillors. Aug 2019.

In July to Aug 2019 a crowdfunder for Florence Park LTN designs raised £8,505. Funds paid for a costed proposal for a low-traffic area and placemaking in the Florence Park estate, as well as helping to cover costs of the Oxford Mini-Holland event held in Sept 2019.

In Aug 2019 the Florence Park LTN designs were published. Chris Proctor of the Waltham Forest design team was commissioned to produce outline designs and costing for a Florence Park LTN. Sketch designs of specific streets, such as this one of Rymer Lane in Cowley, were provided by local architect Joelle Darby.

1 Flo Park Rd Now
2019 ltn design proposal map